Monday, July 21, 2014

What sets SQL Server 2012 Apart from the Rest?

There are certain platforms that can speed up the way businesses are run. For some SQL Server Standard 2012 certainly fits the bill.  But if you must pick up this platform, you have to ask yourself what are its most salient features so that you and your fellow stakeholders can decide whether this is the software that can help you accomplish tasks on the job.

Here are some of the most notable changes in Server 2012:

*Much more simplified versions of the platform

This piece of software comes in three parts, they are the Enterprise, the Standard and the Business intelligence version. The B.I. edition contains the business capabilities but does not have some of the more advanced capability perks. Enterprise contains everything while the Standard version only provides some of the more fundamental, relational abilities. The Datacenter, Workgroup and Standard for SME’s have been retired by Microsoft but the Developer and Compact editions remain available. If you are looking for the Web edition, it will be offered to web providers who have an SLPA certification

*Licensing done per core

You can only license the Enterprise edition on a per-core basis. The B.I. version of Server 2012 can be registered per server. Additionally, you will need the Client Access Licenses for every user as in previous editions.  Of course, if your purchase Server Std, you still have the option of licensing it per core or per server and as of 2012 it has costed some $1,700 per core and 800 USD per server.


Data Quality Services (DQS) allows your databases to hold top quality and accurate data. Essentially, DQS can give you data cleansing capacities and these in turn can change or correct data. Data matching is also available so that you can spot duplicate information and its intuitive profiling function allows you to analyze data that you have culled from different sources.

*Databases that are contained

Essentially, these make it easier for you to deploy newer databases and to transpose databases from different SQL Servers. This means that, if a database is contained, you do not need a login for that sql server. All that you need for authentication will be stored in the contained region. You will also not need to worry about dependencies of configuration in the particular instance of SQL that these are hosted from.

From this list of features, you can then decide if SQL Server Standard 2012 is truly the one that will meet all your IT needs. Choose wisely, for there are other apps that can simplify your tasks on the job.
